Chronicles of a New Life

Saturday, January 08, 2005


I'm not one to put much faith in astrology but when my horoscope said this: "You're all about the New Year right now. It's a perfect time for throwing out emotional trash and making room for cool new ideas and experiences". I couldn't help but agree. This past week wasn't extremely exciting, but it was not without it's highlights. There isn't much to do right now with most people having already left to go back to school for the spring semester but I'm sure that my spring semester will hold lots of fun new things. I've continued my online conversations with the guy from the last post, and things have remained interesting..even if he does have schizophrenia, at least one of his personalities and I seem to have a lot in common and thus engaging conversations have ensued. I recently applied and was hired as a waitress at a restaurant in my town and shall be starting next week, more to come about that. I finally got to spend some time with paige,one of my best friends, for the first time in months yesterday. She and I had dinner with my family, then she and I rented a movie. Neither of us were in a mood for a comedy and so finally we agreed on a drama with an Angelina Jolie sex scene, hot. Both she and I are bi and at some point during the movie the topic came up as to why nothing had ever happened between us. We came to the conclusion that neither of us is typically the initiator, so after a discussion about whether it would affect our friendship or not, the final verdict that it would not and my personal thinking about new experiences in the new year, I finally made a move. I kissed her. She is a very playful kisser, moreso than anyone else I've kissed. While she may not be an initiator, once the go ahead is given she is an aggressor in her own right. We kissed and played and I wanted more, it was getting me hot, but alas she needed to go and so I took her home. Perhaps something else will happen there, I'll be sure to update.
I seem to be running out of friends that I haven't at least kissed. A long time friend,amy, keeps telling me how she finds me attractive and how she fantasizes about me, but I am not attracted to her in the least, nor am I interested in risking the slight friendship we do have, my friendships with the other two were on an altogether different level than this particular one. She is also currently having issues with her girlfriend and I do not want to be involved in any way, and of the two the latter poses an easy out, so I take it. I've been trying to lessen our time spent hanging out because the way she looks at me makes me uncomfortable, and perhaps I hope that seeing me less will cause less problems with her girlfriend and so if they are still together I am safe from worrying about how to break it to her gently.
In the past week I have gotten a job, had sex with one of my best friends, and made out with another. Perhaps it has been an exciting week afterall.


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