Chronicles of a New Life

Saturday, January 08, 2005


Today I learned that, jackie, one of my best friends from school will be having a party for her 21st birthday, and that I am, of course, invited. The party will be at her father's restaurant, which is currently closed, and so any and all preparations for an all out bash are already underway. So far the guestlist tallies 40 names and she is continually seeking to add more. Immediately after learning of this gettogether she made it quite clear that it, being a 21st birthday party, will have the cups overflowing with any and all types of liquor. I had assumed as much, but it seemed to excite her to talk about, finally being legal and whatnot. We chatted for a while and I mentioned my new outlook on trying new things and inquired as to how she would feel if I were to drink a bit much and end up kissing, or whatever else, one of her friends. She laughed and said that it was, of course, up to them. This is good news. She then allowed that a good (aka: hott) friend of hers is seeking a date to her party and that she had suggested myself and asked to give him my number. I of course said, "Sure, why not." I suppose I shall be expecting a call from him in the near future. On another note, I am quite excited that I have secured a job and that I will have worked about a month by the time her party rolls around and that I will have the means to buy something special (aka: expensive) for her birthday, she is not necessarily materialistic but she always enjoys a nice gift, and I love making people happy. Hopefully this party will be as near perfect as she deserves and hopefully she will meet someone or find a spark with someone she already knows seeing as she has had bad luck with men as of late. Physically, she is utterly adorable and she has a personality to match as well. I personally believe all the men she has dated or has been interested in just didn't realize what they had and ruined what could have been a wonderful relationship. I, being her roommate at college, was and am privy to more than most and have seen her at her best and worst but still know that she would be a great catch. Why is it that men just never seem to realize and appreciate what they have, when they have it? If you have any thoughts..please comment. In short: I am greatly looking forward to this to hit the gym ;)


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