Chronicles of a New Life

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Waste of a Day

An update on the waitressing thing:
The actual waiting on the tables portion of the job is great, it's nice to have a job where one of the main objectives is to chat with the customer. The technical aspect, writing the check and dealing with the cooks, that part isn't so hot. Not that I would really know seeing as I was only scheduled to work ONE day this week! I'm so very angry about that. So, in an effort to bring home some extra money I agreed to show up to work tuesday morning at 4:30am to unload the truck for two and a half hours at time and a half. I woke up at 3:30am and left my house at 4am in order to get there on time, I arrived at 4:25am. No one was there. The manager showed up around 4:45am and said the shipment would not be arriving due to the poor road conditions and sent me home. Classes had been cancelled on monday so when I got home around 5:30am I stayed awake to await the anouncement at 6am as to whether classes would be cancelled again. No anouncement meant that classes were as scheduled and I had an 8am class for which I would have to leave at 7:30am to arrive on time. With only an hour and a half there was no point to go back to sleep and so when I arrived at class the professor, who is usually early, was not there, a few students signed an attendance sheet and left I stayed just in case. I chatted with a few friends from the class until around 9:30am when a secretary showed up and said the professor had just called and would not be making it to class. I then left school very annoyed and went straight to the gym to take out my frustration, first work then class, grr to them all. After the gym I returned home to shower and eat lunch then left around 12:30 to arrive to my 1:00pm class on time, only to find a note on the door that the class would be cancelled. I returned home to vacuum and wash dishes and then I passed out for a few hours. What a waste of a day.


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